Office Closure: IPE will be observing Family Day, Monday, February 17th. Regular business hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th. If you need to report a claim, click here.
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Educational Services

When you work with Intact Public Entities, you have access to our years of experience and can request a seminar or presentation tailored specifically to your needs.


We're here to support you with customized educational seminars and training sessions tailored to the unique needs of your organization and address topics that matter to you. We regularly deliver in-person seminars for groups large and small, and offer virtual training that can be recorded to use at any time to train new staff or as a refresher for existing staff.

We address a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Managing playgrounds
  • Contractual risk management
  • Volunteers
  • Developing an effective abuse policy
  • Risk Management 101
  • Creating a culture of security
  • Outdoor winter recreational activities
  • Premises liability

We are always interested in hearing from you as to the type of training your organization requires.