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Risk Management Considerations for Directors' and Officers' Liability

A private boarding school tailored to students with learning disabilities and behavioural issues closed their...

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Occurrence and Claims Made Policy Forms

The policy provides coverage for claims arising out of incidents that occurred during the policy period. The r...

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Risk Management Considerations for Garage Policies

Liability resulting from the use or operation of an automobile is provided under an Owners Automobile Policy....

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Risk Management Considerations for When a Claim Occurs

Incidents that result in harm are unfortunate but they do not necessarily mean that your organization is negli...

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Risk Management Considerations for Tobogganing as Municipal Liability

Although tobogganing is a favorite Canadian pastime, it can also be a very dangerous activity. Every year peop...

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Risk Management Considerations for Business Interruption

When analyzing your business operation, one area of concern is how you would handle your operations if it is i...

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Risk Management Consideration: Know What You Are Signing

Reviewing contracts and being aware of what risks or liability you may be assuming or not appropriately transf...

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